
Radar Water Skis and FridayApps.com do not share any information about you or your app usage with other organzations. You may choose the share pictures, comments, email, and phone with other users of the app.

Camera and Storage Usage

In response to your tapping the camera icon, The RadarSkis App will utilize your devices camera to take pictures. The RadarSkis App will allow you to save pictures to the RadarSkis database to be viewed by other Radar Nation users. You have the ability to delete pictures that you have saved. You may also choose images from your devices storage. The goal is to share pictures of ski locations.

GPS usage

The RadarSkis app utilizes your devices GPS in order to zoom maps to your location. Your current location is not stored.

Personal Information

The RadarSkis app allows you to save your phone number and email address. Email addresses are used for password reset requests. The profile section of the app allows the user to set whether the email and phone are visibile to other users. Your email and phone are not shared with outside organizations.